Monday, 11 November 2013


 "If it is to be, it is up to me."
Right there is the most powerful 20 letters in the world. Every day we take action, we feel hungry we make a decision to eat, we take actions based on that decision. We get up, walk to the kitchen get some food and eat it: job done! All of you reading this will have done it at least a few times in the last 24hrs.
That is a very basic example of responsibility. You decide to do something and take action to make it happen. So if we can do this hundreds of times a day for smaller every day tasks why don't we do it for bigger ones? All of a sudden bigger decisions become someone else's responsibility and so does the success or failure of the plan. Nobody changes our socks for us, we do it ourselves. As a trainer my responsibility is to develop the best plan for an individual to educate and motivate them to achieve their goals. No matter how much they want me to I can't lift the weights, swim the laps or run the distance for them they have to do it themselves.
 Responsibility leads to decisions, decisions lead to actions, action leads to changes, changes lead to success, success leads to even more success! It's an addictive thing, it makes you feel good about yourself and it all starts it taking responsibility.
If we are honest with ourselves we quickly come to realize that nobody put a gun to our head and made us eat the burger, that cigarette didn't light itself and then jump into our mouth as a form of political protest. We made that happen in the same way we chose to get out of bed and go to work. It's only when we start to take responsibility that we can change the negative behaviors and start to make the best lifestyle choices.
Start making the changes today, start with something small go to the gym instead of having a coffee, bring healthy food into work instead of buying a ready made sandwich from a coffee shop. What ever you do it's all up to you!

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